Die ersten vier Essays sind jetzt abrufbar (aus der Zeitschrift: Open Philosophy/ de Gruyter):Lukács and the Critical Legacy of Classical German Philosophy, edited by Rüdiger Dannemann (International Georg-Lukács-Society) and Gregor Schäfer (University of Basel)
Special Issue:https://www.degruyter.com/journal/key/opphil/7/1/html
Michael J. Thompson: German Idealism, Marxism, and Lukács’ Concept of Dialectical Ontology
Mateus Soares de Souza: The Marxist Method as the Foundation ofSocial Criticism – Lukács’ Perspective
Spyros Potamias: The Hegelian Master–Slave Dialectic inHistory and Class Consciousness
Isabelle Bishop: Everyday Hegemony: Reification, theSupermarket, and the Nuclear Family

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