Karl Lauschke“Die Gegenwart als Werden erfassen“: Inhalt, politischer Kontext und Rezeption von Georg Lukács‘ ‚Geschichte und KlassenbewusstseinWestfälisches Dampfboot
Internationale Georg-Lukács-Gesellschaft e. V.
Karl Lauschke“Die Gegenwart als Werden erfassen“: Inhalt, politischer Kontext und Rezeption von Georg Lukács‘ ‚Geschichte und KlassenbewusstseinWestfälisches Dampfboot
Georg Lukács
Geschichte und Klassenbewußtsein
Studien über marxistische Dialektik
Faksimile des Hand- und Arbeitsexemplars von Georg Lukács
Aus Anlass der Erstpublikation des Buchs vor 100 Jahren herausgegeben von Rüdiger Dannemann, Bálint Gusztáv Mosóczi und Zoltán Mosóczi
Mit Transkriptionen und Erläuterungen der Lukács-Marginalien von Rüdiger Dannemann
ISBN 978-3-8498-1856-2
379 Seiten
Jahrbuch der Internationalen Lukács-Gesellschaft
19. Jahrgang
Herausgegeben von Rüdiger Dannemann
2023 – Aisthesis Verlag
ISBN 978-3-8498-1874-6
206 Seiten
New resources for the critique of capitalism in culture from the late writings of Georg Lukács, one of the first authors in the tradition of Western Marxism.
The Hungarian literary critic, philosopher, and Marxist social theorist Georg Lukács is best known for his 1923 History and Class Consciousness, in which he offered an influential critique of reification from the standpoint of a dialectical conception of totality. While Lukács’s early works have been central to the study of Marxist thought, his later works have often been dismissed as political accommodations to Stalinism. In this new study, Matthew Smetona argues for a revisionist interpretation of Lukács’s later writings on topics as diverse as aesthetics, politics, and ontology.
Smetona demonstrates that these writings reveal a methodological unity that follows directly from History and Class Consciousness, in which realism, in both literary and extraliterary senses, becomes the basis for the critique of reification. As Lukács had demonstrated, reification is that process by which the social relations between persons seem to take on the character of a thing. Rooted in Marx’s concept of commodity fetishism, the critique of reification proved, in Lukács’s hands, to be a flexible tool capable of clarifying all manner of obfuscations that arise within the social relations that capitalism produces. To recover the later work of Lukács is to open up new horizons for Marxist cultural criticism.
Ab sofort erhältlich! Available now!
Georg Lukács
Geschichte und Klassenbewußtsein
Studien über marxistische Dialektik
Faksimile des Hand- und Arbeitsexemplars von Georg Lukács
Aus Anlass der Erstpublikation des Buchs vor 100 Jahren herausgegeben von Rüdiger Dannemann, Bálint Gusztáv Mosóczi und Zoltán Mosóczi
Mit Transkriptionen und Erläuterungen der Lukács-Marginalien von Rüdiger Dannemann
Aisthesis 2023
Dear friends oft he IGLG, dear colleagues, dear comrades,
Like every year we wish you all and your beloved ones all the best, luck and well-being for the next year! Happy holidays and happy new year! 2023 will be a very special year – especially for the work and impact of Georg Lukács!Stay healthy and committed
Rüdiger Dannemann
Allen Freundinnen und Freunden des Werks von Georg Lukács, allen, die sich für unsere Arbeit interessiert haben und interessieren, wünschen wir erfreuliche Festtage und einen angenehmen Rutsch in ein besseres, politisch weniger katastrophales neues Jahr. 2023 wird ein besonderes Jahr für Lukács‘ Werk und Rezeption. Da ist euere Unterstützung mehr denn je gefragt! Bleibt gesund und engagiert!
Rüdiger Dannemann(Vorsitzender der IGLG)
亲爱的IGL集团的朋友们,亲爱的同事们,亲爱的同志们。像往年一样,我们祝愿你们和你们所爱的人在下一年里一切顺利,好运连连,幸福美满! 节日快乐,新年快乐! 2023年将是非常特别的一年–尤其是对乔治-卢卡奇的工作和影响而言保持健康和承诺吕迪格-丹纳曼
A tous les amis et amies de l’œuvre de Georg Lukács, à tous ceux qui se sont intéressés et s’intéressent à notre travail, nous vous souhaitons de joyeuses fêtes de fin d’année et une agréable transition vers une nouvelle année meilleure et moins catastrophique sur le plan politique. 2023 sera une année particulière pour l’œuvre et la réception de Lukács. Votre soutien est plus que jamais nécessaire ! Restez en bonne santé et engagés!
Rüdiger Dannemann(Président de l’IGLG)
Queridos amigos del IGLG, queridos colegas, queridos camaradas,
¡Como cada año os deseamos a todos vosotros y a vuestros seres queridos todo lo mejor, suerte y bienestar para el próximo año! ¡Felices fiestas y próspero año nuevo! 2023 será un año muy especial – ¡especialmente para la obra y el impacto de Georg Lukács!Salud y compromiso
Rüdiger Dannemann
Prof. Zhang Liang (Hg.)
Georg Lukács-Forschungsführer
Vol. I. Kunst und Leben: Die kritische Theorie des Kapitalismus vom frühem Lukács
Vol. II. Verdinglichung und Revolution: Marxistische Theorie der Geschichte und das Klassenbewusstsein
Vol. III. Ästhetik und Ontologie: die Konstruktion eines theoretischen Systems im späten Lukács
Publisher: Jiangsu People’s Publishing HouseISBN:9787214273727
Profile der Herausgeber der Bände
Sun Leqiang, Professor, Fachbereich für Philosophie und Forschungszentrum für marxistische Gesellschaftstheorie, Nanjing Universität.
Sun Jianyin, Professor, Institut für Marxismus, Heilongjiang Universität.
Li Qiankun, Associate Professor, Institut für Marxismus, Nanjing Universität.
Jian Liu, Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Fakultät für Fremdsprachen, Nanjing Universität, Promotion in Neuerer Deutscher Literatur, Universität Freiburg, Deutschland.
Xie Ruifeng, Sonderforschungsassistent, Fachbereich Philosophie, Nanjing Universität, Gastwissenschaftler bei Universität Fordham, USA.
CALL FOR PAPERS for a topical issue of „Open Philosophy“LUKÁCS AND THE CRITICAL LEGACY OF CLASSICAL GERMAN PHILOSOPHYOpen Philosophy (https://www.degruyter.com/OPPHIL) invites submissions for the topical issue “Lukács and the Critical Legacy of Classical German Philosophy”, edited by Rüdiger Dannemann (International Georg-Lukács-Society) and Gregor Schäfer (University of Basel).DESCRIPTIONIn 1923 Hungarian-German philosopher Georg Lukács published his early opus magnum „History and Class Consciousness“. Being situated at the very intersection of practical issues – vis-à-vis the deep crisis of World War I and in the middle of the revolutionary movements in its aftermath – on the one hand and sophisticated theory on the other hand the book marks an event not only in revolutionary politics – provoking a harsh critique from part of the official communist movement as well as an intensive reception particularly within the trajectories of the political-intellectual life of the 1960s – but also in philosophy. Within what one often, together with Gramsci’s and Korsch’s contemporary projects, refers to as ‘Hegel-Marxism,’ „History and Class Consciousness“ surely is the most systematic conception. The critique of reification – as elucidating the very structure of modern capitalist society and the forms of its thinking – the book centrally elaborates had a profound and prominent impact on the formation of later Critical Theory around Horkheimer and Adorno. Furthermore, one even may read, in some aspects, Heidegger’s „Being and Time“ (1927) as an indirect answer to the challenge of „History and Class Consciousness“ – and, clearly, find its traces in French existentialism around Merleau-Ponty and Sartre.
Lukács explicitly articulates „History and Class Consciousness,“ whose ‘over-Hegelianization’ of Marxism he will criticize in his later work himself, as an interpretation of Marxism in the light of post-Kantian German Idealism – mostly of Hegel but also of Schiller, Fichte, or Schelling as well as of post-idealist philosophers rooted in the idealist tradition such as Lask. Whilst the concept of reification often has been discussed in its constellation with Marxist critique of capitalism and with German sociology, particularly in Weber and Simmel, despite the label of ‘Hegel-Marxism,’ the references to Classical German Philosophy still mark an important desideratum in terms both of historical and systematic examinations. Concepts not only such as “reification” but also “totality,” “method,” “dialectics,” “nature,” “(class) consciousness,” “history,” “revolution,” or “subject-object” Lukács extensively applies in his early work, however, cannot be separated from their origin in central systematic problematics of German Idealism. At the very same time, when it comes to contemporary discussions of the reception of Classical German Philosophy, Lukács remains a rather marginal figure despite his important role within post-idealist confrontations with the theoretical and practical impact of idealism and its possible actuality. In a line with this dominant setting, it hardly has been analyzed in detail that Lukács’ interpretation of the entire sequence of post-Kantian idealism starting from the problematic of the “thing-in-itself” (Ding-an-sich) in Kant is a very original and productive one – and it hereby is neglected that, following a semantic hint, “reification” (Verdinglichung) may stand in an internal relation to this very problematic instead of being just a sociological term or the descriptive name of a social pathology.On the occasion of the centennial of the publication, the present call for papers invites original submissions that aim at filling this gap by examining and discussing „History and Class Consciousness’“ dialogue with Classical German Philosophy and its aftermath. The contributions may focus on this interconnection by dwelling on central concepts in Lukács and any author(s) of Classical German Philosophy and its tradition systematically, or by (re-)discovering relevant historical lines of reception. Of particular interest hereby is the potential this configuration has in terms of a critical thinking of – and within – our own present and its ongoing multiple crises and struggles.
Authors publishing their articles in the special issue will benefit from:· transparent, comprehensive and fast peer review,· efficient route to fast-track publication and full advantage of De Gruyter’s e-technology.Because Open Philosophy is published under an Open Access model, as a rule, publication costs should be covered by so called Article Publishing Charges (APC), paid by authors, their affiliated institutions, funders or sponsors.Authors without access to publishing funds are encouraged to discuss potential discounts or waivers with Managing Editor of the journal Katarzyna Tempczyk (katarzyna.tempczyk@degruyter.com) before submitting their manuscripts.HOW TO SUBMITSubmissions will be collected from September 1 to October 31, 2023. There are no specific length limitations.To submit an article for the special issue of Open Philosophy, authors are asked to access the online submission system at: ttp://www.editorialmanager.com/opphil/Please choose as article type: LukácsBefore submission the authors should carefully read over the Instruction for Authors, availableat: https://www.degruyter.com/…/OPPHIL_Instruction%20for…All contributions will undergo critical review before being accepted for publication.Further questions about this thematic issue can be addressed to Rüdiger Dannemann at ruedannemann@arcor.de and Gregor Schäfer at gregor.schaefer@unibas.ch. In case of technical or financial questions, please contact Managing Editor of the journal Katarzyna Tempczyk at katarzyna.tempczyk@degruyter.com.
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